Transitioning into adulthood is a challenge. Students who struggle with their mental health or cognitive processing will face even more difficulties. Making the necessary changes and learning skills is not a one-step process. It takes time for students to build a foundation of skills that will help them to live independently as an adult. Ongoing support during this transition can help. With consistent structure and support, students can make mistakes and learn from them, while learning the process of how to solve issues for themselves. These skills are multilayered and complex to learn. However, once they have them, they will be more capable and confident as adults.
Challenges of Transitioning Into Adulthood
When young adults transition into adulthood, they are met with many difficulties. They have gone from a home environment with a lot of support. However, in college, trade school, or working out of high school, young adults are responsible for themselves. For young adults who struggle with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), this change can be abrupt.
Common challenges include organizing and staying on task, socializing, and impulsivity that disrupts long-term goals. With so much change occurring, these students need to learn the skill of living as an adult. However, with support, all young adults can improve their skills and learn to live more independently with success.
Benefits of Ongoing Support
Having ongoing support can make a significant difference in a young adult's life. This is true while the support is present in their lives and far into adulthood. Ongoing support during the transition into adulthood helps to solve issues that occur, teach problem-solving, and provide a lasting structure of how to help themselves.
Solving Problems as They Arise
When young adults are taking the first steps into adulthood, they are likely to experience problems that occur throughout their days. This might include emotional challenges, like frustration with a peer. However, it may also include life skills, like not knowing how to cook, clean, or do laundry. Regardless of the issue, ongoing support provides a structure where problems will be solved as they arise.
This support helps give students the confidence to live more independently. When they hit a snag, which they inevitably will, they have a support system in place to reach out and get help in finding an immediate solution. While young adults need to learn to solve these problems independently, some students need support to learn how to do so before they feel confident doing it on their own.
Ongoing Support Teaches a Problem-Solving Structure
Throughout the many problem-solving conversations, ongoing support walks a student through the process of problem-solving. When working with a life coach or therapist, this support can be an incredible learning experience. A coach or therapist helps young adults learn more than just what they are speaking about on the surface, learning a structure to approach and solve issues in the future.
Problems that arise for young adults are often related to the life changes surrounding the transition into adulthood. While these issues will change over time, the structure of problem-solving will remain the same. Ongoing support helps young adults earn to break down issues, consider options, and make a plan to address their concerns.
Lasting Changes
The transitional period of young adulthood does not last forever. However, the skills that young adults learn during this time can. When young adult transitions to live more independently, they form habits and routines. These may be similar to those they had when living at home, or they might be very different. Regardless, the habits they build as a young adult offer a foundation for their future.
Young adults need to learn to care for their mental and physical needs, address emotional challenges, and solve problems. When they have these skills, they will use them and continue to add to them as they age. However, the foundation of skills allows them the ability to live independently and learn new skills that help them thrive.
Getting Students Ongoing Support
Many students who struggle with ADHD, ASD, and other mental or emotional challenges need extra support. However, not all families can provide the structure and help they need, and sometimes it is simply better for the young adult if the support comes from an outside organization.
Fortunately, young adults can work with programs that provide ongoing support for college students. By working with mental health care professionals and coaches, young adults can get the support they need. This includes support in the moment and over time. While the structure and specific needs will look different for each individual, ongoing support is the foundation that helps young adults learn and grow. With support, young adults can thrive in college while setting themselves up for success far into adulthood.
Young adults are faced with many challenges, and this is especially true of those struggling with mental health or other disorders. Fortunately, ongoing support can help students to solve problems at the moment and learn problem-solving skills that help them thrive in college and beyond. At Northwest College Support, we understand that the transition into adulthood is difficult. In our programs, we work with young adults who need some extra support during this process. We help young adults improve their awareness and learn how to effectively approach and solve problems. The skills that young adults learn from ongoing support in our programs help them to feel confident and thrive while living independently. To learn more, call (877) 485-2776 today.